Kohinoor Patel Bigo Show
My cock got hard and without anything else being said we both started groping kissing and basically getting ready to fuck Brenda. As both moved around I noticed that Dave's cock seemed to touch me alot. At one point I am kissing Brenda and all of the sudden Dave's cock is in her mouth with my mouth almost touching hers. I dismiss it as excitement. I am fingering Brenda when my hand has a cock in it. Finally as I get ready to enter Brenda I feel his cock poke me in the ass. WTH. I ask what is going on. JF you know I am glad you enjoyed Brenda but I would like to experience some of that as well. For instance I will give you a choice, 1) suck my cock till I cum, 2) be the bologna in a sandwich my cock in your ass and your cock in Brenda, or 3) I will fuck Brenda and you will eat her sloppy pussy before you fuck it and then again eat the sloppy pussy. As I looked at Brenda and thought about it I knew I was being threatened and that one of the 3 was going to happen or Carrie. I'm sad to see them go for now, but it's a hot look! She lies on the bed and says, "Okay, time to help me do something I couldn't do myself." As she says this, she sticks her tongue out at me quickly. I can't tell if I'm more turned on by her or by feeling like I'm her accomplice in something. I don't think it matters.I say, "Pull your knees to your chest" and she does:http://xhamster.com/photos/view/2434277-39985538.htmlI tell her to reach out and grab her ankles and she does. I place the rope under her calf and wrap it right over her wrist, then again, making sure to make the loops even and fairly close together. There's enough rope to do this well. "Well, I guess you have done this before," she says, as I keep moving, concentrating on what I'm doing, almost going into a trance. "Now, grab one of those vibrators and start working my pussy." I gladly do as I'm told, selecting one, switching it on, and starting to rub the tip of it along her still soaking lips, pausing a moment at.
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